Cost of Gynecomastia Surgery

Cost of Gynecomastia Surgery

For many people, the decision to have plastic surgery in order to achieve the body shape and appearance they want can be affected by whether or not the cosmetic surgery is affordable in their budget. Dr. Joseph T. Cruise, Newport Beach board-certified gynecomastia surgery specialist, does not want to see anyone deprived of the results they deserve simply because of cost.

Gynecomastia correction surgery is an investment in yourself. Patients often report results that are more than skin-deep, results that change every aspect of their lives. A well-proportioned, masculine chest can alleviate health issues and anxieties that a patient has dealt with for years, and the surgery often creates a rippling effect of self-confidence and overall satisfaction through the person’s life. Cosmetic surgery to reduce male breasts is not a vain or frivolous procedure; it is a statement of self-worth, a declaration of a man’s desire to reflect on the outside the man he feels like on the inside.

Quality vs. Value

While the cost of a professional like a plastic surgeon can range, Cruise Plastic Surgery strongly urges you not to make your decision based solely on cost. Gynecomastia correction is a highly specialized, technically-difficult procedure, and you want someone with the most experience who achieves the best results. Remember that the lowest cost of something usually means that it’s not the best, and you deserve someone with top-quality training and results.

When you’re selecting the surgeon for your male breast reduction, investigate three important things to determine if the cost is worth the benefits for you:

  1. Credentials and History. Find out what you can about the cosmetic surgeon, his training, and his experience. (About Joseph T Cruise, MD).

  2. Testimonials and Reviews. Find out what previous Gynecomastia patients have said about the plastic surgeon’s results and their satisfaction with the experience of working with his team. (Joseph T Cruise, MD’s testimonials).

  3. Before and After Pictures. Especially for gynecomastia surgery, take a look at the surgeon’s past procedure results for patients who had concerns similar to yours. (Joseph T Cruise, MD’s gynecomastia before and after pictures).

Joseph T Cruise, MD’s Approach

Orange County gynecomastia plastic surgeon Joseph T Cruise, MD has a unique approach to reducing male breast size that provides patients with long-lasting, more thorough results. Joseph T Cruise, MD customizes the appropriate combination of fat removal, tissue restructuring, skin removal, and nipple repositioning that will give the best results, depending on the patient’s concerns and the extent and severity of the gynecomastia.

Men who have only puffy nipples or slight breast tissue will have a lower cost to their gynecomastia surgery than men who have more fat and tissue, which complicates the procedure and may require more extensive surgery. Joseph T Cruise, MD’s customized approach to gynecomastia correction ensures that each patient’s needs and expectations are met.

On average, gynecomastia correction cost totals between $7,500 - $16,000. This price range includes fees such as:

  • Outpatient facility fee
  • Surgeon fee
  • Anesthesia fee
  • Supplies for surgery
  • Post-surgery follow-up visits

Many times the patient will have the option of choosing between local and general anesthesia. Joseph T Cruise, MD feels it is best to meet with each patient to make sure that the patient receives accurate, personalized information. Cruise Plastic Surgery offers consultations to every potential gynecomastia patient at their office in Newport Beach, CA.

Find out more about gynecomastia financing options available through Cruise Plastic Surgery.


Ian-Asymmetric-Gynecomastia-Correction I came to Joseph T Cruise, MD around seven years after I had discovered my gynecomastia. He was the first doctor I went to look at, and after the consultation, I immediately decided to have him do my surgery. I went into the surgery with a few reservations, namely fear of pain and worry about the length of the recovery process. The pain was nowhere near as bad as I thought, it did hurt, but this was surgery. The only way I can describe the recovery process is annoying, nothing horrible, just annoying, although the feeling of finally being able to take off the compression vest and seeing the new me was incredible, to say the least. As soon as I was able to (roughly 12 weeks) I went to the beach, for the first time in two years, with my shirt off! The best part was there were no weird looks or comments. My clothing options have opened immensely, there’s nothing to be seen through a white shirt. To anyone worried about the surgery, don’t be. It’s a fairly easy and painless process, and the results will last much longer than any scaring or discomfort you might experience.

Ian, 21
Asymmetric gynecomastia correction