Mommy Make Over
Excellence in Mommy Makeover
Mommy Makeover Overview
Mommy makeover is a combination of breast and abdominal rejuvenation. The type of breast and abdominal procedure needed varies from person to person.
Aged appearance resulting from sagging skin and loss of ideal body shape or contour.
Common Complaints
- Sagging skin
- Deflated breasts
- Enlarged areolas
- Too much volume in breasts
- Stubborn fat in abdomen and/or hips
- Lack of body contour/shape
- Stretch marks
- Frustration with how clothing fits/looks
Mommy Makeover Before/After Examples
Surgery Information
Anesthesia: General only
Facility: Accredited outpatient surgical facility
Recovery: Back to work 2 weeks, longer if job is strenuous or requires physical activity.
Cost: The price of a mommy makeover varies depending on which procedures need to be done. There are many variables such as which tummy tuck is needed, whether liposuction will be required, which type of breast lift, and whether augmentation will be added.
Cruise Plastic Surgery accepts the following forms of payment:
- Check
- All major credit cards
- Cash
- Financing: Prosper Lending, Care Credit, Alphaeon Credit
Read about your financing options here.
Mommy Makeover Overview
Dr. Joseph T. Cruise, one of the top mommy makeover surgeons in Orange County, wants all women to be informed about the breast lift and tummy tuck options available to them. He and the staff at his Newport Beach plastic surgery practice have created these pages to give you the most comprehensive information you need if you’re considering mommy makeover surgery. Making an informed decision begins by finding the answers to your questions, and by reviewing before and after pictures of breast surgery and tummy tucks to see the results you can expect from Joseph T Cruise, MD and Cruise Plastic Surgery. Having children takes a toll on every mother's body. Although many of the changes that occur to a woman’s physique return to a pre-pregnancy state after the child is born, some of them don’t and this can leave a mother frustrated at losing the body of her youth. Joseph T Cruise, MD in Orange County, CA understands how emotional the physical results of bearing children can be – on one hand, your child is precious and worth every sacrifice, but on the other hand, you miss the body you used to have. Joseph T Cruise, MD has developed a solution: a customizable Mommy Makeover that allows you to combine the right breast rejuvenation and abdominoplasty or liposuction procedures to get back – or enhance – the body you used to have.
The Look You Have
The interactive diagram below was created by Joseph T Cruise, MD to help you identify what you don't like about your body right now. This provides both you and Joseph T Cruise, MD a clear visual of what is bothering you and will help him formulate a customized treatment plan to address your concerns.
Click the images below to select your concerns in each category. If you would like to submit the form for review, one of Joseph T Cruise, MD's patient care coordinators will review your selections and contact you to discuss further. You can also click TLIW in PDF format to print for your own use.
Tummy Tuck 360° View
Take a look at the graphics below and select the abdomen that is most similar to yours. To rotate images, place your mouse on any image and drag.
Mini Tummy Tuck
Standard Tummy Tuck
Extended Tummy Tuck
Circumferential Tummy Tuck
Two Stage
The Look You Have
Anatomy of the Abdomen

Understanding the anatomy of the abdomen will help you visualize what bothers you so you can accurately explain it to Joseph T Cruise, MD. With mommy makeovers, the front, side, and back of the body are evaluated to ensure the result looks good from a 360-degree view.
Upper abdomen - fullness, skin laxity?
Lower abdomen - fullness, skin laxity, stretch marks, existing c-section incision?
Belly button - position, shape needing improvement?
Flanks - fullness, skin laxity?
Pubis - fat mound present?
Anatomy of the Breasts

Above is the Cruise Breast Classification system created by Joseph T Cruise, MD to determine the type of breast procedure needed based on the position of the nipple in relation to the breast fold. The greater the breast sag, the more involved breast lift procedure needed. For women with no breast sag to moderate sag, a breast augmentation alone may be all that is needed.
Surgical Options
During your consultation with Joseph T Cruise, MD, he will work with you to determine the best surgical plan to obtain your desired result. He will take into consideration the "Look You Have" and the "Look You Want." He addresses all mommy makeover patients individually with a customized approach to evaluating the breasts and body.
What to expect at your Consultation and Physical Exam
All mommy makeovers are performed under general anesthesia at an accredited outpatient facility in Newport Beach which specializes in cosmetic procedures. Joseph T Cruise, MD only works with the top anesthesiologists and surgical centers. We do recommend an overnight stay at a recovery center, however, in most cases, it is not mandatory if you have a good support system at home.
Learn about breast rejuvenation procedures
Learn about abdominoplasty rejuvenation procedures

Surgical & Recovery Timeline
Joseph T Cruise, MD has found that when patients have access to pictures they better understand the healing process and what to expect. This allows patients to assess whether the effects they are experiencing after their mommy makeover are typical, and they can quickly discuss any concerns with a staff member at Cruise Plastic Surgery.
Before Mommy Makeover Surgery Instructions
After Mommy Makeover Surgery Instructions
Recovery Timeline - The breast lift and tummy tuck timelines below demonstrate what to expect at each stage of the healing process.
Mommy Makeover Before & After Photos
Patient Testimonials
When considering a mommy makeover, it can be very helpful to hear from others who have already had the procedure. Real Self, the number one online resource for learning about elective cosmetic procedures, is a great resource. You can even talk to others to get answers to your questions, receive emotional support, as well as get tips and advice.
Below are some common questions asked by prospective mommy makeover patients. To see a full list, visit our Mommy Makeover FAQ page .
Are Mommy Makeovers dangerous?Can a tummy tuck be considered medically necessary?Do you lose weight after a mommy makeover?How long does it take to recover from a mommy makeover?How many plastic surgeries can be done at once?How much did you pay for your mommy makeover?What does a mommy makeover cost?What is all included in a Mommy Makeover?What is included in the mommy makeover?What types of Tummy Tucks are there?Do I need Liposuction?What type of Breast Lift do I need?Could Breast Augmentation alone be enough?How long is the Tummy Tuck incision?When can I go back to work?What are the risks and complications?When can I work out after a Mommy Makeover?Am I being vein?Should I spend money on myself?Should I have my breasts done if I plan on getting pregnant in the future? |