Choosing Your Doctor
Choosing Your Doctor
Choosing your Plastic Surgeon
The first and most important step of your plastic surgery journey, as outlined above, begins with choosing an experienced, talented plastic surgeon dedicated to getting the best results possible. One who will get you the results you are looking for in a predictable and safe manner. This is the reason why many people across the United States and all over the world routinely choose Joseph T Cruise, MD as their plastic surgeon.
Keep in mind, you are not just choosing a plastic surgeon you are also choosing everything that is involved in the surgical process.
Joseph T Cruise, MD and his staff operate under the highest standards to make sure you are safe at all times. Outlined below are these standards:
Is the surgeon board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery?
Joseph T Cruise, MD is board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. -
How often does the plastic surgeon perform the procedure you are interest in?
Joseph T Cruise, MD’s practice is exclusively cosmetic. This focus allows him to concentrate on the latest research and practices most important to the cosmetic patient. He is one of the busiest plastic surgeons in Orange County which, in itself, is one of the most popular areas in the world for plastic surgery. -
Can I see the before and after pictures.
You can view numerous before and after pictures of Joseph T Cruise, MD’s previous patients both on the web site and in office. Joseph T Cruise, MD only posts pictures of patients whose procedures he has performed and who have agreed to the use of their photos for educational purposes. -
Does the plastic surgeon use a board certified anesthesiologist?
Many surgeons use nurses to perform their anesthesia. Joseph T Cruise, MD only uses board certified anesthesiologists to put his patients to sleep. Furthermore, they are specifically trained in cosmetic surgery to make sure your post operative care is as comfortable as possible. -
Is the operating room facility accredited?
Joseph T Cruise, MD’s facility is Medicare approved, which is the highest accreditation possible for an ambulatory surgery center. -
Is the recovery room nurse a registered nurse?
Joseph T Cruise, MD requires his post operative nurses to be registered nurses in order to maximize patients safety.