Brow Lift Temple Lift

Brow Lift/Temple Lift
Average Cost
Up to 14 days
Often combined with upper and/or lower eyelid surgery.
Brow/Temple Lift Overview
The temple lift (also known as a temporal brow lift) is a cosmetic surgical procedure used to elevate the outer brow, soften crow’s feet, and tighten the area around the temples. It is often combined with an upper and lower blepharoplasty.
Surgery Information
Anesthesia - Local or general
Facility - In-office or at an accredited outpatient facility
Recovery - Up to 14 days due to bruising
Cost - View Pricing
Brow Lift and Temple Lift Overview
Joseph T Cruise, MD believes it is critical to distinguish the difference between a brow lift and a temple lift so patients are clear on the difference:
A brow lift elevates the portion of the brow directly over the pupil. In comparison, the temple lift elevates the outer portion of the brow over the crow’s feet area.
This woman shows the dramatic difference between a temple lift and a brow lift. On her left side, the temple is sagging, but on her right side both the temple and the brow sag. To correct this Joseph T Cruise, MD performed only a temple lift on her left and both a temple lift and brow lift on her right. This not only rejuvenated her face, but it also was a customized correction to the asymmetrical appearance of these two areas.
Temple sag is far more common than a person’s brow sagging, therefore Joseph T Cruise, MD routinely performs temple lifts on facial rejuvenation patients instead of brow lifts. The temple lift does a remarkable job of brightening the eyes and giving a youthful, elegant shape to the brow.
When a person’s brow sags over the crow’s feet area, the person’s face can appear tired or sad. The elevation of the temple, brow, and eye area that results from a temple lift can immediately take years off a person’s face.
Some surgeons perform a brow lift when a temple lift would have better addressed the patient’s concerns. When this happens, some patients have a wide-eyed, unnatural expression. As one of the top brow lift surgeons in Orange County, Joseph T Cruise, MD is experienced in how to best address patients’ facial concerns, which translates into patients receiving natural, youthful-looking results.
Aging affects the entire face, but some areas show signs of aging more than others. During the private consultation in his Newport Beach office, patients often tell Joseph T Cruise, MD that they are concerned with wrinkles or droopiness around their eyes. Descending eyebrows, temple drooping, and “hoods” on the eyelids make people think they need a face lift or eyelid surgery in order to correct their concerns.
A youthful face, especially in women, has an eyebrow above the bony rim of the eye socket. However with time, the eyebrow can fall to the rim of the eye socket, or even below it, and this creates an aged look. You can check the level of this droopiness by using your fingers to elevate the outer part of your eyebrow. If you feel this creates an elegant, youthful look, you may want to speak with Joseph T Cruise, MD about how a brow lift will affect your face.
This woman shows the dramatic difference between a temple lift and a brow lift. On her left side, the temple is sagging, but on her right side both the temple and the brow sag. To correct this Joseph T Cruise, MD performed only a temple lift on her left and both a temple lift and brow lift on her right. This not only rejuvenated her face, but it also was a customized correction to the asymmetrical appearance of these two areas.
Temple sag is far more common than a person’s brow sagging, therefore Joseph T Cruise, MD routinely performs temple lifts on facial rejuvenation patients instead of brow lifts. The temple lift does a remarkable job of brightening the eyes and giving a youthful, elegant shape to the brow.
When a person’s brow sags over the crow’s feet area, the person’s face can appear tired or sad. The elevation of the temple, brow, and eye area that results from a temple lift can immediately take years off a person’s face.
Some surgeons perform a brow lift when a temple lift would have better addressed the patient’s concerns. When this happens, some patients have a wide-eyed, unnatural expression. As one of the top brow lift surgeons in Orange County, Joseph T Cruise, MD is experienced in how to best address patients’ facial concerns, which translates into patients receiving natural, youthful-looking results.
Aging affects the entire face, but some areas show signs of aging more than others. During the private consultation in his Newport Beach office, patients often tell Joseph T Cruise, MD that they are concerned with wrinkles or droopiness around their eyes. Descending eyebrows, temple drooping, and “hoods” on the eyelids make people think they need a face lift or eyelid surgery in order to correct their concerns.
A youthful face, especially in women, has an eyebrow above the bony rim of the eye socket. However with time, the eyebrow can fall to the rim of the eye socket, or even below it, and this creates an aged look. You can check the level of this droopiness by using your fingers to elevate the outer part of your eyebrow. If you feel this creates an elegant, youthful look, you may want to speak with Joseph T Cruise, MD about how a brow lift will affect your face.
Joseph T Cruise, MD has done extensive research and training and has years of experience performing facial procedures. As such, he has become a sought-out specialist in facial rejuvenation including brow lift, upper eyelid surgery, and fat transfer, which can all dramatically affect the eye area. He has found that many people cannot achieve all the results they want in one procedure because of the inter-connected effects of facial aging.
Types of Brow and Temple Lift
There are four types of temple lift that plastic surgeons perform:
- The Minimal Incision Brow Lift
- The Endoscopic Brow Lift
- The Brow Lift Through an Upper Eyelid Incision
- The Open Brow Lift
Although Joseph T Cruise, MD is experienced in all techniques relating to brow and temple lift procedures, he performs the Open Brow Lift only when a patient has a significant amount of loose skin on the upper forehead. Joseph T Cruise, MD believes that because each face is different, it is important that he consult with every patient so together they can discuss and agree on the best procedures for the patient’s facial rejuvenation.
1) Minimal Incision Brow Lift
An effective way to obtain an elevation of the lateral brow and crow’s feet area, this technique uses only a small incision in or just above the hairline.
2) Endoscopic Brow Lift
Very similar to the minimal incision brow lift, this technique uses an endoscope inserted through a small incision in the scalp to help Joseph T Cruise, MD visualize the surgery.
3) Brow Lift Through Upper Eyelid
While having an upper blespharoplasty (eyelid surgery), many patients also have this type of temple lift performed in order to elevate the brow, the fat, and the muscles all at the same time. Joseph T Cruise, MD’s unique technique allows him to effectively elevate the brow without having to make an additional incision.
4) Open Brow Lift
Although this is an effective way to perform a brow lift, it requires a long incision along the hairline within the scalp. When there is a significant amount of loose skin on the forehead this technique can be useful, but Joseph T Cruise, MD can normally achieve the same results using smaller incisions.
Achieving Youthful Facial Rejuvenation
One of the most important things that Newport Beach facial rejuvenation plastic surgeon, Dr. Joseph T. Cruise, has learned from his patients is: Everyone wants to look as young as they feel. He has performed a number of facial rejuvenation procedures on patients of all ages, who come to him with many different concerns and goals.
It is important to Joseph T Cruise, MD that patients have all the information they need to make decisions about their cosmetic surgery. He consults with each patient in his Orange County practice to figure out which procedure/s will best address the patient’s concerns. Sometimes, in order to achieve youthful facial features, patients may need to have more than one procedure – such as a brow lift and an upper eyelid surgery – performed together. Fortunately, Joseph T Cruise, MD’s vast surgical experience means patients have minimal incisions, recovery time, and scarring. For more information, contact us today!