Nose Surgery

Excellence in Orange County Rhinoplasty


Cost: View Pricing
Recovery: 5-7 days
Anesthesia: General

Look I Have

Nose Shapes: Determine the look you have now and what you want to achieve from surgery

Design Your Look

Dorsum: straight or sloped
Tip: shortened, elevated, narrowed
Nostrils: narrowed, less flared


Radix: highest point, at pupil level
Dorsum: bridge of the nose
Tip:end of the nose
Columella & Alae: column between nostrils & outer nostril

Surgical Options

Technique: Open or closed
Incision Placement: outside or inside the nose
Correction: hump, droopy tip, wide nose, deviated septum

Surgical Timeline

Outline of the surgical timeline including information at every stage of the healing process

Before & After Photos

See a large gallery of rhinoplasty before/after photos

Patient Testimonials

Read what actual patients say about their rhinoplasty experience


Cost: View Pricing
Recovery: 5-7 days
Anesthesia: General

Look I Have

Nose Shapes: Determine the look you have now and what you want to achieve from surgery

Design Your Look

Dorsum: straight or sloped
Tip: shortened, elevated, narrowed
Nostrils: narrowed, less flared


Radix: highest point, at pupil level
Dorsum: bridge of the nose
Tip: end of the nose
Columella & Alae: column between nostrils & outer nostril

Surgical Options

Technique: Open or closed
Incision Placement: outside or inside the nose
Correction: hump, droopy tip, wide nose, deviated septum

Surgical Timeline

Outline of the surgical timeline including information at every stage of the healing process

Before & After Photos

See a large gallery of rhinoplasty before/after photos

Patient Testimonials

Read what actual patients say about their rhinoplasty experience

Rhinoplasty Overview


Rhinoplasty is the medical term for the surgery that alters the size or shape of the nose.


The ideal nose is one that doesn’t draw attention to itself. Large, deviated, and disproportionate noses can appear to dominate the face making some people self-conscious. A nose that is proportionate to other facial features allows the eyes, chin, and lips to receive equal attention, and creates a facial harmony.

Common Complaints

  • Large hump
  • Wide nostrils
  • Wide nose
  • Crooked nose
  • Pinched nose
  • Droopy tip
  • Upward projecting tip
  • Short or stumpy nose
  • Breathing issues

Examples of noses before and after surgery

 Surgery Information

Anesthesia: General

Facility: Accredited outpatient surgical facility

Recovery: Back to work 5-7 days, longer if job is strenuous or requires physical activity

Cost: View Pricing

Cruise Plastic Surgery accepts the following forms of payment:

Rhinoplasty Specialist, Dr. Joseph Cruise

rhino-societyDr. Joseph T. Cruise specializes in rhinoplasty surgery. He is also a member of The Rhinoplasty Society (a very exclusive society of surgeons who specialize in nose surgery throughout the world). He has been dedicated exclusively to plastic surgery in Orange County for over 12 years. Joseph T Cruise, MD and the staff at his Newport Beach office have provided the information found in throughout the Rhinoplasty section as one of the most comprehensive resources for  anyone interested in learning how nose surgery can help them achieve their desired look. Cruise Plastic Surgery has also provided a large gallery of before and after photos, so patients can see what type of results can be expected.

Rhinoplasty is one of the essential operations that every surgeon needs to be expert in. It incorporates multiple skills, artistic prowess, and vision, and it is cultivated by extensive training and practice. Each patient’s face is unique, every nose is individual, and only the experienced plastic surgeons are aware of how dramatic the results to the overall face will be.

Joseph T Cruise, MD schedules individual appointments with all rhinoplasty and other cosmetic surgery patients in his Orange County office. At the consultation all patients are given a physical exam and express their concerns, while browsing the extensive collection of before and after nose surgery pictures. Patients will also be able to see a digital modification of their own nose so they can visualize what to expect with their new nose and new appearance.

Rhinoplasty Overview

Rhinoplasty is the medical term for the surgery that alters the size or shape of the nose. The procedure can be performed for various reasons, from traumatic injury to dissatisfaction with appearance. Some of the most common complaints about nose shape include: a hump across the bridge, a deviated nose, flaring or bulbous nostrils, a wide nasal bridge, and a beaked nose. As a rhinoplasty specialist and one of the top Orange County plastic surgeons, Joseph T Cruise, MD has experience correcting all of these conditions.

Some of the most serious health concerns people list when seeking nose surgery are airway and breathing problems. Due to several physiological conditions, a person’s nose may simply be shaped in a way that causes their airway to sometimes be blocked, resulting in difficulty breathing. Rhinoplasty is often the way to correct the underlying problems of nasal shape that cause airway obstruction.

Joseph T Cruise, MD consults with many patients who share the same concerns about their nose and who are seeking cosmetic surgery to achieve a their desired appearance. Since many of the patient concerns are similar, Joseph T Cruise, MD has compiled some of the most important information into one place. Discussed topics include:

The Look You Have

Take a look at the graphics below to determine which cosmetic issue or issues you have now. There may also be internal functional issues, which can only be determined with a physical examination.

Aside from the graphics shown here, which represent the dorsum (bridge of the nose), septum, and tip, take a look at the width of your dorsum and the shape of your nostrils. If there are characteristics you don't like (flared nostrils. wide nose, too narrow, etc.), make note of these concerns so you can address them with Joseph T Cruise, MD.

Design Your Look

The "Design Your Look" interactive diagram below was created by Joseph T Cruise, MD to help you identify what you don't like about your nose now and what you would like your nose to look like after surgery.

Click the images below to select the look you want in each category. If you would like to submit the form for review, one of Joseph T Cruise, MD's patient care coordinators will review your selections and contact you to discuss further. You can also click TLIW in PDF format to print for your own use.

What Do You Want to Change?

It is important that you have a clear idea of what you want changed when you go for your rhinoplasty consultation. The last question a plastic surgeon wants to hear is: "What do you think I need done"?

Diagram of the nose Look in a mirror and identify what bothers you. Be specific. It is helpful to break up the nose into four parts. 1) Dorsum 2) Tip 3) Alae 4) Airway obstruction. Evaluate each one of these areas individually as this is what the plastic surgeon does in his exam.

Common complaints

  • Dorsum: Too wide, too narrow, too big, too small, deviated.
  • Tip: Too big, too pointy, too long, too pushed up, droopy, deviated.
  • Alae: Too wide, too bulbous, nostrils too big.
  • Airway: Breathing issues. This must be examined individually

Patient Testimonial-

I love my new look! My goodness what a big differernce. Thank you Joseph T Cruise, MD!

Anatomy of the Nose

It is important to understand the anatomy of the nose; both inside and out. Joseph T Cruise, MD has outline the most important points in the anatomy overview section, along with addressing each section of the nose which patients are most commonly concerned with.

Nose Anatomy Overview

Nose anatomy outside

External nose anatomy

Nose anatomy inside

Internal nose anatomy 

Surgical Options


Joseph T Cruise, MD will work with you to determine the best surgical plan to obtain your desired result. He will take into consideration the "Look You Have" and the  "Look You Want,"  along with a physical examination of the exterior and interior of your nose.

Rhinoplasty Techniques

Most doctors perform rhinoplasty in two different types of procedures: a “closed” technique and an “open” technique. Joseph T Cruise, MD has experience working with both of these approaches, but he also performs a highly-specialized combination of the two known as the “delivery” technique. Each nose surgery technique has its own advantage, depending on the results the patient wants.

When a patient’s major concerns are at the top or bridge of the nose, or when there are only small changes needed to the nose’s tip, Joseph T Cruise, MD finds that the closed technique provides patients the best results. The closed technique uses small incisions made inside the nose and leaves no visible scarring

When the patient’s major concerns are with the nasal tip, Joseph T Cruise, MD finds it beneficial to use the open technique. A thin incision is made along the skin between the nostrils, which normally heal without a visible scar. With this technique, a patient can have more extensive rhinoplasty work done on the tip of their nose, and achieve better tip definition and narrowness.

Joseph T Cruise, MD is one of the few rhinoplasty cosmetic surgeons in Newport Beach who has developed a specialized technique for patients who need a moderate amount of work done along the whole nose – both the bridge and tip. The delivery technique does not leave visible scars, and gives patients a way to achieve the best overall look.

Below you will find the common issues associated with the nose. Click each heading to be taken to the appropriate page which outlines the issue and treatment options.

Large dorsal hump

Large hump

wide nasal bridge

Wide nasal bridge

Under projected dorsum:tip

Under-projected dorsum

Dorsum (bridge of the nose)

  • Large dorsal hump
  • Wide nose & open roof deformity
  • Under-projected dorsum
Left deviation

One-sided deviation

two side deviation

Two-sided deviation


Pinched dorsum

Deviated Nose

  • Deviated nasal bones
  • Deviated upper lateral cartilages
  • Deviated septum
  • Deviated tip
Under projected dorsum:tip

Under-projected tip

Over projecting tip

Over-projecting tip


Droopy tip


  • Droopy tip
  • Over-projecting tip (Pinocchio tip)
  • Under-projecting tip
  • Boxy tip
  • Bulbous tip

Other Issues -

Nasal Alae (nostrils)

  • Wide nostrils
  • Nostril flaring (alar notching)

Airway Obstruction

  • Deviated septum
  • Enlarged turbinates

Surgical & Recovery Timeline

Recovery Timeline - Understanding what to expect during recovery as well as how long it will take you to be fully healed, is key when deciding when to having your surgery.

Rhinoplasty Before & After Photos

Patient Testimonials 

When considering rhinoplasty it can be very helpful to hear from others who have already recovered from surgery. Real Self, the number one online resource for learning about elective cosmetic procedures, is a great resource. You can even talk to others to get answers to your questions, receive emotional support, as well as get tips and advice.

Joseph T Cruise, MD is a master at the art of plastic surgery. The results of my rhinoplasty procedure exceeded my expectations. I appreciate that I was able to tell Joseph T Cruise, MD what I wanted and he explained in detail the steps he would take to achieve a natural look. I love that I still look like me, just more refined. The staff was very friendly and spoke from experience in answering my questions and easing any concerns I had. They made me feel well prepared in knowing what to expect pre and post-surgery. His office and the surgery center are in close proximity and both are easy to locate. Overall my experience was positive and quality natural looking results were achieved. I am so glad I chose Joseph T Cruise, MD! Thank you for your passion and dedication to your patients and their results!

Rhinoplasty Surgery

I had my surgery six weeks ago and I feel great, I look great and am very happy with the results!My recovery was much easier than I imagined. I could see the results immediately.I have wanted this procedure for so long and after the bandages and the splint were removed I couldn’t believe how good it looked even a week after the procedure. I didn’t even think how much time I spent before surgery just thinking about my nose until I had it changed. It changed the way I walk into a room, I go grocery shopping. It is just amazing. Joseph T Cruise, MD has been so patient, informative and just so supportive. Thank you everyone!

Brook, 29
Rhinoplasty, Chin Augmentation

With 4 months to go until my wedding, I decided it was time to do something I had been thinking about for years: rhinoplasty. I chose Joseph T Cruise, MD after extensive research and through referrals of a few friends. The first time I visited Joseph T Cruise, MD's office I immediately felt assured and confident in my decision. I could not have picked a better surgeon! Not only was Joseph T Cruise, MD friendly and knowledgeable but his staff is super helpful, and flexible. They also got me into surgery within a week!

My surgery was flawless, Joseph T Cruise, MD is a true artist. I healed perfectly and I could not have asked for better results. My wedding photos came out great and now I am more confident than ever. You will never have a doubt in your mind if you choose Joseph T Cruise, MD. I would highly recommend him, he is the best!

Thank you Joseph T Cruise, MD for giving me the best Wedding gift! ???? 

Nose Surgery

Can a nose job make your nose smaller?

A nose job can make your nose smaller especially when the dorsum is reduced in size.

How long are you swollen after rhinoplasty?

It can take up to one year for the swelling to go completely away after rhinoplasty. This does not mean the swelling will be noticeable for this length of time, just that the nose appearance will continue to improve.

Can you die from rhinoplasty?

As with any surgery, there are risks involved. It is extremely uncommon for someone to die from rhinoplasty when performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon with a good reputation. It is also important to be in good health before having any surgery to reduce the risk of complications.