Stages of Facelift Recovery Explained

Having any type of surgery can create a feeling of anxiety, but education and preparation can be a great tool to fight these worrisome feelings. When it comes to the facelift recovery process, there are four different primary stages patients go through.

Facelift Recovery Stage 1 – First Week

The first week after your facelift procedure will be the most difficult, but there are things you can do to improve your comfort level. Plenty of rest is essential to let your body heal, so take the week off and plan to have someone assist you for the first couple of days following surgery.

You can expect some discomfort, especially around your incision sites, which typically peaks around days three and four. Everyone experiences some degree of swelling and bruising during the facelift recovery process. These can be managed with pain medication and an ice pack.

During the first week, you’ll be required to wear a compression garment to help the healing process. Be sure to wear this as instructed.

Facelift Recovery Stage 2 – Second Week

At week two, you may still have some residual bruising and swelling from the surgical procedure, and you may not be quite ready to show off your results. The good news is that you should be feeling much better and are encouraged to engage in light activity such as walking or bicycling to encourage good circulation and help minimize swelling.

At your follow-up appointment, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Joseph Cruise will assess your healing progress and let you know when you can increase physical activity.

Stage 3 – Third to Fourth Week

Feelings of tightness in your facial skin and some swelling are still normal during this stage after facelift procedures, but patients often begin noticing their incisions improving and begin to feel more comfortable going out in public.

At week four, you can increase your activity level (but still take it easy) as long as you feel comfortable.

Stage 4 – the Fourth Week and Beyond

After four weeks, you’ll be able to resume your normal routine and it won’t be obvious that you’ve had work done. The majority of your recovery is over, but your face will still be healing over the next few months. Dr. Cruise will request several more follow-up appointments to ensure proper healing and document your progress with photos.

Learn More About Facelift Surgery in Los Angeles

These stages of facelift recovery are only general guidelines to the procedure, not the specific post-operative care instructions that Dr. Cruise would give during a consultation about facelift surgery. To know how a facelift can benefit you, take away sagging skin on your face, and help you regain a youthful appearance, it’s best to talk to the expert himself. Schedule a facelift consultation today by calling or contacting our plastic surgery practice online today.