Prosper Healthcare Lending Now Available at Cruise Plastic Surgery
Cruise Plastic Surgery in Newport Beach has added Prosper Healthcare Lending to their financing options being offered to patients seeking plastic surgery and needing financial assistance. Prosper offers simple interest loans with no pre-payment penalties and longer terms for lower monthly payments. Newport Beach, CA. (PRWEB) July 21, 2015 Cruise…
Read MoreCruise Plastic Surgery Now Provides VECTRA XT 3D Imaging
VECTRA XD 3D Imaging in Los Angeles at Cruise Plastic Surgery Cruise Plastic Surgery in Newport Beach recently began using the high-tech VECTRA XT 3D imaging system during consultations to show patients a simulation of what their final result will look…
Read MoreSeasonal Cosmetic Surgery Guide
Saying Goodbye to Summer May Mean Saying Hello to the New You! One of the most common questions asked during a prospective patient’s consultation for cosmetic surgery; “when is the best time to have my procedure done?” While some patients don’t have the luxury of choosing the best time of…
Read MoreMen Suffering with Severe Gynecomastia Now Have Access to Superior Surgical Option
Dr. Joseph T. Cruise, Los Angeles gynecomastia specialist, now offers a procedure known as “free nipple grafting” as an alternative to the anchor lift most commonly performed by plastic surgeons when treating severe gynecomastia cases. Newport Beach, CA (PRWEB) August 08, 2014 Type 6 and Type 7 Gynecomastia Los Angeles…
Read MoreBody Builders Using Steroids are at Risk of Developing Enlarged Male Breasts, Which Will Require Gynecomastia Surgery
One of the best Los Angeles gynecomastia surgeons, Dr. Joseph T. Cruise, has collected data showing the common factor among body builders, who come to his practice concerned about the development of enlarged male breasts, is steroid use. Of these patients, all have required gynecomastia surgery to correct the problem.…
Read MoreLos Angeles Surgeon Helps Improve Patient’s Quality of Life Through Male Breast Reduction Surgery
Dr. Joseph T. Cruise recently performed gynecomastia surgery on a 38 year old male patient from Orange County. The patient had been suffering with enlarged male breasts for more than two decades and is now living a more enriched life as a result of surgery. Newport Beach, CA. (PRWEB), May…
Read MoreDr. Joseph T. Cruise Outlines a New Gynecomastia Classification System to Help Identify the Best Way to Treat Each Type
When male patients choose to have gynecomastia surgery, one of the most important aspects is properly determining the type of gynecomastia they have and the treatment options available to effectively correct the enlarged breasts. Dr. Joseph T. Cruise has implemented a new classification system outlining the varying types of gynecomastia…
Read MoreLos Angeles Gynecomastia Surgeon Announces 2012 Gynecomastia Statistics
Los Angeles Gynecomastia Surgeon, Dr. Joseph T. Cruise, discusses the 2012 statistics released by The American Society of Plastic Surgeons in 2013. The report shows an increase in procedures performed on male patients, as well as those pertaining to gynecomastia surgery. Newport Beach, CA. (PRWEB) September 17, 2013 Plastic Surgery…
Read MoreBenefits of Gynecomastia Surgery Under Local Anesthesia
The number of men having gynecomastia surgery in Newport Beach, CA is steadily increasing each yea. With these growing numbers comes the need for the procedure to be performed in a more expeditious manner, so men can get back to work, family and the demands of daily life. Much like…
Read MoreWill Liposuction Alone Correct Gynecomastia?
While it is surprising for many men to learn there is a medical term used for enlarged male breasts (gynecomastia), they are even more surprised when they find out there are actually different types, which have different treatments. Most men just know they have enlarged breasts and they want it…
Read MoreTeenage Gynecomastia
A recent study published by The American Society of Plastic Surgeons for 2012 showed that gynecomastia is the number one procedure performed on teeangers. The largest number of surgeries occur between the ages of 13-19. The number of overall gynecomastia surgeries has doubled since 1997 when statistics were first recorded.…
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