What is 360 Liposuction?

Liposuction remains one of the most requested plastic surgery procedures in the United States and over time surgeons have developed advanced techniques to help patients achieve the results they want. For patients seeking to sculpt their entire body, not just an isolated area, 360 liposuction is an option to consider. Before scheduling your consultation with Dr. Cruise, learn more about full body contouring.

What is 360 Liposuction?

360 liposuction is a liposuction technique used to contour the entire midsection, including the back, flanks, and abdominal area. This procedure is intended to create a proportionate, lean, and contoured body shape overall rather than targeting fat in a specific area. In addition to targeting the midsection, Dr. Cruise may also suggest liposuction in other areas such as the thighs or upper arms to complement the results.

How Does 360 Liposuction Work?

360 liposuction can be completed using traditional, tumescent, ultrasonic-assisted, power-assisted, or laser-assisted liposuction techniques. During liposuction, small incisions are made through which a cannula can be inserted to break apart and suction away fat. Because 360 liposuction is a more extensive procedure with multiple treatment areas, it is typically advised to have the procedure under general anesthesia. Addressing the body from 360 degrees, Dr. Cruise can create dramatic results that improve overall shape and proportion.

Recovery After 360 Liposuction

Recovery after 360 liposuction is similar to any other liposuction procedure. Patients should expect to be swollen, sore, and bruised. Discomfort can be controlled using prescribed pain medication and wearing compression garments to help minimize swelling and encourage proper healing. Typically, patients will require several days to rest and recover after their surgery, but can return to work and other routines quickly. During your consultation, Dr. Cruise will explain what you can expect from your liposuction recovery period.

Am I a Candidate for 360 Liposuction?

The best candidates for 360 liposuction should be close to or at a healthy, stable body weight despite some unwanted stubborn fat through their midsection area. Liposuction is not a weight loss procedure and only a certain amount can be safely removed at one time, so it is important for patients to be at or near their ideal weight before they undergo the surgery. If a person has more fat than can be removed in the first surgery, there will need to be a second stage to complete the result. Those with loose skin may not may not be good candidates for liposuction, as removing fat can create additional skin laxity. During a consultation, Dr. Cruise will examine the entire body and listen to understand your concerns and goals to determine whether 360 liposuction is a good treatment option for you.

Schedule a Consultation

To schedule a consultation with Dr. Cruise, call our Newport Beach, CA office at (949) 446-1421 or contact us online. Patients located away from Newport Beach or with busier schedules can also contact Dr. Cruise online for a virtual fast track consultation.