Liposuction After The Procedure
After Liposuction
- Liposuction Overview
- Are You a Good Liposuction Candidate?
- Types of Liposuction
- Benefits of Liposuction
- Dr. Cruise's Liposuction Philosophy
- Liposuction Consultation and Physical Exam
- Prior to Liposuction Surgery
- Liposuction Anesthesia
- After Liposuction
- Recovery from Liposuction
- Possible Liposuction Complications
- Liposuction Cost and Financing
- Liposuction Before and After Pictures
The time necessary to perform the procedure depends on the number of areas being Liposuctioned. The range is anywhere from 1 to 4 hours.
- Continue to limit yourself to light activities the first week after surgery. However, make sure that you don't stay in bed continuously. Make sure you walk around every once in a while to allow for blood flow.
- Have some Gatorade or a similar sports drink available. You will need to drink a lot of fluids post-operatively.
- After the first week, limit yourself to activities that are comfortable. No strenuous aerobic activity for 4-6 weeks after surgery.
- The night after surgery you might want to have some protective sheets or towels on your bed. Your incisions will ooze for the first one to two days.
- ADJUST GARMENT/ BANDAGE EVERY 2 HOURS. This may mean undoing and repositioning the binder. You should have gentle compression. If you cannot put your finger in between the garment and your body, it means it is too tight. If the garment is too tight it will prevent proper blood flow.
- Apply Polysporin/Neosporin Ointment to the incisions with cotton tipped applicator (like a q-tip) daily until the sutures dissolve.
- You may shower as soon as you like after surgery. Make sure someone is with you. You may be nauseated from anesthesia for up to 2 days. Pat the incisions dry and reapply the ointment.
- Do not smoke for at least one week after surgery.
- Do not use aspirin-containing products for at least one week. You may take Tylenol or pain medication as prescribed.
- No weight loss diets for at least 3 weeks. Make sure to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet during this time.
- Avoid exposing the incsions to direct sunlight for at least 6 weeks. After 6 weeks, apply sunscreen (at least SPF 15) to the area of the incision if you will be in the sun for extended periods of time.
- Be sure to finish your entire prescription of antibiotics.
- To minimize scars start applying ScarLess on your incisions after one week. ScarLess is a prescription-strength cream with vitamin E, silicone and Hydrocortisone to help minimize redness and elevation of the scars. You can purchase ScarLess at our office.
- Immediately after liposuction, some patients feel groggy or nauseous. These feelings normally subside by the next day.
- You will probably be very sore for the first week. Bruising is normal and will subside in 2-4 weeks.
- You may experience some numbness. Remember not to put ice or anything hot directly onto skin because you may have decreased awareness of temperature damage.
- Once all of the swelling has subsided, you may opt for a small touch-up.
Post surgical complications are rare and are often easily solved by the doctor if you notify us. Call us if you experience any of the following: a temperature of 101 F or higher, increased local redness or warmth, chest pain, shortness of breath, legs swelling or calf pain or if you feel that anything might be wrong. Please call the office during regular business hours @ 949-644-4808.
Concern | Instructions |
Blood Clot |
Constipation |
Fever |
Garment Placement |
Activity |
Wound Care |