Gynecomastia Ideal Male Chest

Gynecomastia Ideal Male Chest

Ideal Male Chest

Before we describe the various types of gynecomastia it is critical to define what the ideal male chest looks like so we are clear on what it is we wish to accomplish. It is important to understand that not every man can have the “ideal chest”. Conditions such as advancing age, excessive body weight, poor skin elasticity, and unfavorable anatomy can affect what is obtainable.

Animation of ideal male chest after gynecomastia surgery Animation of ideal male chest after gynecomastia surgery

Ideal Chest – Notice the horizontal orientation of breast tissue showing the outline of the underlying pectorals major muscle.

As you can see, the ideal chest is not flat. It has a defined contour and natural chest fold separating the chest from the abdomen. The ideal chest fold is predominately horizontal. However, it begins to round out with increasing degrees of gynecomastia.

Animation of ideal male chest after gynecomastia surgery - profile view

Ideal Chest (Profile view) – The ideal chest is not flat. Instead, it has a defined masculine contour.

On the ideal chest, the nipple is typically 5-6 cm above the chest fold and faces forward. The areola is flush with the surrounding skin. However, with certain types of gynecomastia, the areola protrudes forward creating a “puffy nipple.”

Anatomy view of ideal male chest

Ideal Chest – Above cut out view demonstrates normal subcutaneous fat under the skin and the underlying pectorals major muscle

If you look at the margins of this cut out, you will see there is an approximately ½ inch of fat underneath even the ideal chest. This is why removing all the fat is not a good idea. Additionally, notice the contour of the pectorals major muscle and how it corresponds to the chest fold.

The ideal male chest has some breast tissue located directly below the areola. You can feel it by squeezing the tissue under the areola. It is firm, glandular tissue unlike soft, fatty tissue. This amount of breast tissue is normal. Gynecomastia is an excess of this normal breast tissue
Diagram of chest tissue in ideal male chest

Ideal Chest – Above slice view
demonstrates that even the ideal chest
has breast tissue underneath the nipple