Breast Roll

Breast Roll

Breast Roll

A breast roll is an excess of fat that accumulates around the outer part of the chest and rolls under the arm toward the back. It is often seen in men with gynecomastia, especially if the person is over his ideal body weight. Joseph T Cruise, MD routinely removes the Breast Roll during his standard gynecomastia procedure at no addition charge to achieve the most ideal results post operatively.

Diagram of a male chest with breast roll, Newport Beach gynecomastia surgery - Joseph T Cruise, MD
Example of a Breast Roll


The above picture shows the fatty excess that begins on the outer part of the chest and
wraps around toward the back.

Joseph T Cruise, MD has demonstrated all the characteristics of gynecomastia in as much detail as possible. The illustrations and animations depicted are necessary to provide as much clarity as possible. Joseph T Cruise, MD performs an exceptionally high volume of gynecomastia correction. Many real life examples of each issue are viewable to you by going to the Before and After Section. Diagram of male breast roll, symptom of gynecomastia