Breast Augmentation


See Your Journey In Exquisite Detail

Click on a link below to jump down to that section.

Cost: View Pricing Recovery: 5-7 days Anesthesia: General
Breast Types: 7 types determined by degree of breast sag
Shape: Natural, dramatic Size: Bra, cup size Implant Type: Saline vs. Silicone
Shape: Natural, dramatic Size: Bra, cup size Implant Type: Saline vs. Silicone
Incision Placement: Areola, Breast Fold, etc.
Muscle Placement:Complete vs. Partial
Breast Augmentation: At a glance
Breast LiftHealing details
Mommy Makeover: Breast & Tummy
Beast Augmentation, Breast Lift Breast Reduction, Breast Revision, Mommy Makeover
Implant Warranty Breast Feeding Mammogram Possible Complications

Breast Augmentation Overview


Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure performed to increase the size of the breasts, and in some cases, improve shape, asymmetry or a deformity such as tubular breasts.

Surgery Information

Anesthesia - General 

Facility - Accredited outpatient facility 

Recovery - 5-7 days

Cost - View Pricing



Joseph T Cruise, MD, Breast Augmentation Specialist

Year after year, breast augmentation remains the number one cosmetic surgical procedure performed in the United States. Women have breast augmentation for many reasons, including to obtain better body proportion, enjoy better fitting clothes and bikinis, improve self-confidence, and feel more feminine and sexy. Women who want breast augmentation are looking for the best plastic surgery results to achieve their aesthetic goals, which is why they come to Orange County breast augmentation surgeon Joseph T. Cruise, M.D.

The Look You Want

During your consultation with Dr. Joseph T. Cruise at his Newport Beach plastic surgery office, he will use your personal information and desired goals to help determine the "Look You Want" to achieve with breast augmentation surgery. This aspect of Dr. Cruise's software program allows women to visualize the different results possible with surgery and gives him a clear picture of the "Look You Want." This feature bridges the gap between patient-surgeon communication and greatly reduces the need for revision surgery due to unclear expectations.

Elite Credentials

Dr. Cruise is board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. He is also a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, and the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, which is limited to cosmetic surgeons specializing in aesthetic surgery. In addition, Dr. Cruise has joined the Orange County Society of Plastic Surgeons, an esteemed local group dedicated to safety, excellence, and integrity in cosmetic surgeries such as breast augmentation. He is one of the top doctors for breast augmentation in the Orange County area. Because of his credentials and experience, many patients also seek him out for breast augmentation revision after having surgery elsewhere and not being happy with their result.

Dr. Joseph Cruise realizes that an important aspect of any surgery is the anesthesia and that many women are sensitive and suffer unpleasant effects from it. In order to offer patients the most comfortable breast augmentation procedures possible, Dr. Cruise only works with Orange County board-certified anesthesiologists who are specialists in cosmetic surgery and provide gentle, outpatient anesthesia. Below you can learn more about Dr. Cruise's primary anesthesiologist, Dr. Cedric Choan.

plastic surgery memberships

Procedure Details

Below we have categorized the most important and popular breast augmentation topics into sections. Reading through this information will help you become further educated about the breast augmentation procedure details.

Am I a Good Candidate for Breast Augmentation?

Who is Not a Good Candidate?

Unlike many other cosmetic procedures, most patients are good candidates for breast augmentation in Newport Beach, CA. There are very few conditions that would cause a patient to be an unsuitable candidate. The two primary reasons someone is unable to have breast augmentation surgery:

  • Serious underlying medical issue
  • Patient takes regularly a prescribed medication that is not allowed when having surgery and cannot be stopped

The Look I Have
Empty heading

While most patients are eligible for breast augmentation surgery, there are some women who may also need a breast lift to achieve their desired result. If you have experienced significant weight loss and/or gain, pregnancy, breastfeeding, or just naturally have sagging breasts, Dr. Cruise may recommend a breast lift along with breast augmentation. Measurements will be taken during your consultation to determine whether or not a breast implant alone will provide the lift you need or if a breast lift with augmentation is needed.


Additional Information

During your consultation with Dr. Cruise, not only will he review your health history, but he will also provide a physical exam which will include measurements of your breasts and chest wall. This evaluation will help determine the best procedure, implant type, and incision location for your treatment plan. Please visit our physical exam page for more information.

Additional information:

Implant Types and Options

Augmentation Videos: Silicone & Saline

Saline Breast Implants

Saline breast implants have a silicone shell and are filled with a sterile salt water solution. They are inserted deflated into the breasts, and then filled once they are in place. The fill amount can be customized within a specific volume range based on the size and shape of the implants.

Silicone Breast Implants

Silicone breast implants are pre-filled with silicone gel, which is a thick, sticky fluid that is very similar in feel to human breast tissue. Many women feel that silicone implants look and feel more like natural breast tissue. To learn more about silicone breast implants, read our answers to the most frequently asked questions about them.

Additional info about Silicone and Saline Implants

Implant Placement

Implants can be placed in three different ways:

  • Subglandular - Implant is placed on top of the muscle and under the breast tissue (gland) only.
  • Partial Muscle Coverage - This position is also called Dual Plane. Only part of the implant is covered by the muscle.
  • Complete Muscle Coverage - The entire implant is covered by the muscle.
implant placement

Partial vs. Complete Muscle Coverage

Partial coverage

Partial Muscle Coverage


Inside view of complete muscle coverage

Joseph T Cruise, MDs's Complete Sub-Muscular Coverage

To provide the best, longest-lasting breast augmentation results for his patients, Dr. Cruise performs this surgery by inserting the breast implants under complete breast muscle coverage. This means instead of placing the implant under just the pectoralis major muscle, as most plastic surgeons do, Dr. Cruise places the implant under additional muscles as well.

This complete muscle coverage technique has several important purposes, especially for Newport Beach, CA breast augmentation patients who desire close cleavage. Over time, breast implants often shift to the sides as breast tissue weakens, but full muscle coverage allows for closer cleavage with a reduced risk of cleavage widening.

Dr. Cruise likes to reference this as the "bookend" technique. Full muscle coverage acts like book ends, supporting the breast implants so they don't move laterally into the armpit. These stronger muscles are less likely to allow the implants to shift, and they provide a thick buffer that effectively reduces or prevents the skin rippling effect that can occur with other types of breast augmentation.

Partial vs. Complete Muscle Coverage

Partial coverage

Partial muscle coverage
50% of implant uncovered


Complete muscle coverage
Complete lateral coverage of implant


Partial muscle coverage


Complete muscle coverage


Partial muscle coverage


Complete muscle coverage
Better cleavage as muscle prevent implants
from sliding

Benefits of Breast Augmentation with Complete Sub-Muscular Coverage

Complete muscle coverage adds coverage and support over the outer parts of the breast implants. This has two benefits:

  • It prevents the implant from sliding outward, especially when laying on the back.
  • It acts as a "bookend" to push the implants toward the midline, providing better cleavage.

The lower an implant is placed during a breast augmentation procedure, the more the implants will separate. Placing an implant low has the advantage of lifting the nipple slightly. However, lowering the implant too much may cause "bottoming out" and sliding of the implant toward the armpit.

High implants create more upper breast fullness, the appearance of a longer, thinner abdomen, and a perkier look for the breasts overall.

Low implants create lower breast fullness, a more concave slope to the upper breast, and give more lift to the nipples. However, lower implants mean less upper breast fullness, less cleavage, and a shorter abdomen.

Cleavage and Implant Placement

Implant Partial Muscle Coverage

Implants High/Partial muscle coverage

Implants Complete Muscle Coverage

Implants High/Complete muscle coverage

Implant Partial Muscle Coverage Low Placement

Implants Low/Partial muscle coverage

Implants Complete Muscle Coverage high

Implants Low/Complete muscle coverage

How is upper breast shape/fullness affected by implant position?

Implant position has a significant impact on overall breast appearance. Placing an implant in a high position actually means it is placed in the normal location of breast tissue. The implant is placed at the level of the breast crease. However, the breast fold is not lowered significantly. This will create more upper breast fullness and better cleavage.

Placing implants in a low position means that the implants are somewhat below the breast tissue. Lowering the breast fold a little will create a concave shape to the upper breast as demonstrated below. In addition, it will cause the nipple to elevate slightly. This may be useful in the borderline cases where a formal breast lift is not desired.

Lowering the fold too much will create a heavy, maternal look with no upper breast fullness. In general, if the nipples or the breasts are sagging, the best way to achieve a sexy, perky look is to raise them up.

Upper Breast Shape/Fullness and Implant Placement


Implants placed lower
Notice the softer-appearing upper breast and lifted nipples.


Implants placed higher
Notice the enhanced upper breast fullness and lower nipples

Incision Placement

Tincisionshere are several places where incisions can be placed when undergoing breast enlargement. In many patients' cases, incision options are determined by the preference and experience of Dr. Cruise. There can also be circumstances pertaining to your breasts or implant choice, which will also impact placement of the incision.

  • Inframmamory fold: Within the fold at the bottom of the breast.
  • Peri-areolar: Exactly at the margin of the areola where the lighter skin meets the darker skin.
  • Axillary: Within the axila (armpit).
  • Transumbilical (TUBA): Upper inside edge of the belly button.
  • Breast Lift Incisions: Donut, Lollipop, or Anchor.

More information is available on our Breast Augmentation Incisions Page.

Does Breast Augmentation Leave Scars?

Most women prefer not have visible scars from breast augmentation since it can make them look “operated on.” As a board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Cruise makes great effort to minimize breast augmentation scarring for the most natural-looking results.

With silicone implants, Dr. Cruise uses a funnel insertion device, which eases the effects of the surgery and decreases the size of the incision and of any potential scar. Furthermore, he puts meticulous detail into closing breast augmentation incisions and tapes them after surgery to reduce tension so the scars are more likely to remain thin and flat.

For a saline implant, the incision can be very small and inconspicuous, as the implant is inserted prior to being filled with the saltwater solution, ensuring scars are as minimal as possible. This technique is sometimes referred to as minimally invasive breast augmentation or endoscopic breast augmentation.

Design Your Look

Joseph T Cruise, MD has designed the "Look You Want" interactive diagram below to help his patients visually show what they want their breasts to look like after breast augmentation surgery.

Click the images below in our breast augmentation size simulator to select the look you want in each category and complete the submission process. You will be contacted by a Cruise Plastic Surgery staff member who will review your selections. You can also click TLIW in PDF format to print for your own use.

Healing Progression

Recovery Timeline - Understanding what to expect during recovery, as well as how long it will take you to be fully healed, is key when deciding when to having your surgery.

Learn how breast implants drop into their final position over the course of your healing process.

Breast Massage Videos

Below are two instructional videos about post-operative breast massage. One is for asymmetrical breast healing and other other for general healing.

Before & After Photos

Dr. Cruise has an extensive gallery of breast augmentation procedure before and after photos. You can see for yourself examples of his "close cleavage" approach as well as various results showing upper fullness vs. lower fullness and conservative vs. dramatic breast size. Achieving "The Look You Want" is the ultimate goal and can be achieved with top breast augmentation surgeon Dr. Joseph T Cruise, MD.

Schedule a Consultation for Breast Augmentation in Newport Beach, CA

With your initial consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Joseph Cruise, you'll soon realize the beautiful results you can achieve together. Patients love Dr. Cruise's innovative technique for achieving a natural-looking shape and enhanced volume through breast augmentation.  If you are looking for the best breast augmentation surgeon in CA, he is an exceptional choice.

If you're ready to take the next step, or simply learn more about this procedure and what it can do for your appearance and self confidence, contact us today! You can reach Cruise Plastic Surgery by calling (949) 446-1421 or filling out our online contact form.


Are breast implants under warranty?

Yes, all breast implants come with a warranty however the coverage does vary from manufacturer to manufacturer and the type of implant, saline, or silicone.

Can breast implants cause pain years later?

Are breast implants under warranty?nYes, all breast implant manufacturers offer warranty programs. They vary from company to company. Some are free while others may have a cost.nnQ.nCan breast implants cause pain years later?nIt is possible for breast implants to cause pain years later. This can be caused by capsular contracture, injury/trauma, rupture, or movement of the implant, to name a few.nnQ.nCan breast implants last 30 years?nAlthough breast implants are not considered lifetime devices, it is possible they could last thirty years or even longer. The life of breast implants varies from person to person. It should be noted that the longer you have breast implants, the greater the chance you will develop a complication.nnQ.nCan fat be transferred to breasts?nFat can be transferred to the breasts as a natural alternative to using a breast implant. Fat is harvested from one or more areas of the body and then transferred to the breasts to improve volume and shape.nnQ.nCan I move my arms after breast augmentation?nYou can move your arms gently after breast augmentation, but it is best to limit the movement, particularly over the head. Follow your surgeons post-op instructions for more detailed information about what you can do and what you should avoid.nnQ.nCan you breast feed after breast augmentationnYou can breastfeed after breast augmentation, but there is no guarantee that a full supply of milk will be produced.nnQ.nDo breast implants cause autoimmune disease?nBreast implant illness (BII) is a term used to refer to a wide range of symptoms that can develop after undergoing augmentation with breast implants. It is also sometimes referred to as autoimmune syndrome BII can occur with any type of breast implant and at any time after the procedure. Many of the symptoms are associated with autoimmune and connective tissue disorders, such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. Currently, there is no specific testing that can positively confirm the symptoms are directly a result of the breast implants. While many women who have had their breast implants removed state that their symptoms improved or were resolved completely, this isnt the case for all. nnIn many, but not all cases, surgery to remove the breast implants improves or completely resolves the BII symptoms.nnQ.nDo breasts sag after breast augmentation?nIt is possible for the breasts to sag after augmentation. This typically happens when a breast lift is needed but wasnt performed as part of the procedure. It can also happen after pregnancy or as a result of weight fluctuations and the aging process. Breast augmentation can help counter the effects of future breast sag.nnQ.nDo you have to replace breast implants every 10 years?nBreast implants do not need to be replaced every 10 years, but it is advised to periodically have imaging done to be sure there are no issues. The longer you have breast implants the greater the chance a complication could arise.nnQ.nDoes getting breast implants make you gain weight?nSome women experience weight gain after undergoing breast augmentation surgery. While a small amount could be attributed to the presence of breast implants, there are other factors such as swelling, inactivity, and an unhealthy diet during the recovery period. Most women easily shed the extra weight once they are cleared to resume all physical activities.nnQ.nDoes insurance cover breast implants?nIn most instances, breast implants are not covered by insurance. Although insurance may cover breast implants for women who have had mastectomies due to breast cancer.nnQ.nHow dangerous is breast augmentation surgery?nAs with any type of surgical procedure, there are inherent risks and the possibility of complications. Breast augmentation is not considered a dangerous procedure, but it is always advisable to have the procedure performed by an experienced board-certified plastic surgeon and at a credentialed outpatient surgical facility. Patients with any health issues should be evaluated and cleared by their appropriate doctor to have surgery.nnQ.nHow do I know if my breast implant is leaking?nWith saline breast implants, you will know if there is a leak because the implant will deflate, which is typically visible when looking at your breasts. Silicone implants typically require imaging to detect a rupture.nnQ.nHow do I prepare for breast implants?nWrite your answernnQ.nHow do you know if you have capsular contracture?nThe most common signs of capsular contracture included some discomfort or soreness in the affected breast and a change in the overall look. Oftentimes, the breast implant sits higher on the chest and may take on a misshapen appearance compared to the other side, if it is not affected.nnQ.nHow long are breast augmentation incisions sore?nBreast augmentation incisions are not usually overly sore, but sensitivity could last up to 6 weeks as they are healing.nnQ.nHow long do breast implants last?nThe amount of time breast implants last varies from patient to patient. While they are not lifetime devices, there are women who have had their implants for over 20 years with no complications. It is recommended to have the implants evaluated through imaging to ensure they are intact. Silicone implant ruptures are difficult to detect without imaging, whereas saline implant ruptures are generally noticeable because the affected implant will deflate,nnQ.nhow much does breast augmentation cost?nBreast augmentation cost varies from surgeon to surgeon and region to region. In Newport Beach the cost can vary between $7500 and $11500.nnQ.nHow painful is breast augmentation recovery?nPain after breast augmentation varies from person to person and can also be impacted by the surgeons technique and experience performing the procedure. For most patients, pain after breast augmentation is manageable.nnQ.nIs breast enlargement possible without surgery?nBreast enlargement is not possible without surgery. Some individuals can work their chest out to develop a more pronounced chest, but it does not achieve the same goals as breast augmentation.nnQ.nIs getting a breast augmentation worth it?nBreast augmentation is worth having for women who are unhappy with the size and/or shape of their breasts, want to look and feel more feminine and desire more latitude with clothing.nnQ.nIs there an alternative to breast implants?nThose wanting to improve the size and shape of their breasts without breast implants, should consider fat transfer as an alternative. This is the process of harvesting fat from the body and repurposing it by placing it into the breasts.nnQ.nWhat are cohesive breast implants?nCohesive breast implants are a type of silicone implant that differs from those of decades past. The silicone inside cohesive breast implants is a more solid, gummy-bear-like material. When a cohesive breast implant is cut in two, it retains its form.nnQ.nWhat are gummy bear implant?nThe gummy bear implant is another name used for cohesive breast implants. They are made of a thick solid like silicone gel which resembles the inside of a gummy bear.nnQ.nWhat are Natrelle breast implants?nNatrelle breast implants are just one of the brand names available on the market today.nnQ.nWhat can go wrong with breast implants?nBreast implants do come with some inherent risks such as developing capsular contracture, rupture, the body rejecting them, malposition, and bottoming out to name a few.nnQ.nWhat is the average cost of a breast augmentation?nThe cost of breast augmentation varies from area to area and surgeon to surgeon. In Newport Beach, CA. pricing on average ranges between $8500 and $10500.nnQ.nWhat is the difference between a breast augmentation and breast implants?nBreast augmentation is a surgical procedure used to enlarge the breasts and breast implants are the devices used to achieve this goal.nnQ.nWhat is the most common breast implant size?nThe most common breast implant size varies depending on current trends and geographic location. nIn Southern California, the common breast implant size ranges between 300 ccs and 400 ccs.nnQ.nWhats the safest breast implant?nBreast implants have never been safer because the technology has greatly improved and ruptures rates are lower than ever. Some people believe saline implants are safer because they are filled with saline which is safely absorbed by the body in the event of a rupture.nnQ.nWill Cigna cover breast augmentation?nMost insurance companies such as Cigna do not cover breast augmentation unless it is part of reconstruction due to a mastectomy.

Can breast implants last 30 years?

Although breast implants are not considered lifetime devices, it is possible they could last thirty years or even longer. The life of breast implants varies from person to person. It should be noted that the longer you have breast implants, the greater the chance you will develop a complication.

Can fat be transferred to breasts?

A good option for women who desire increased breast fullness but do not want breast implants or for those whose body did not respond well to breast implants is fat transfer. Using ones own fat is a natural way of augmenting the breasts to improve volume and shape.

Can I move my arms after breast augmentation?

Following breast augmentation, it is common to experience some discomfort and restricted movement of the chest and arms. While you are able to move your arms, it is advised to reduce the amount of strain to the upper body. This means no heavy lifting, upper body workouts, and keeping activity to a minimum during the initial stages of the healing process.

Can you breast feed after breast augmentation

You can breastfeed after breast augmentation, but there is no guarantee that a full supply of milk will be produced.

Do breast implants cause autoimmune disease?

Breast implant illness (BII) is a term used to refer to a wide range of symptoms that can develop after undergoing augmentation with breast implants. It is also sometimes referred to as autoimmune syndrome BII can occur with any type of breast implant and at any time after the procedure. Many of the symptoms are associated with autoimmune and connective tissue disorders, such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. Currently, there is no specific testing that can positively confirm the symptoms are directly a result of the breast implants. While many women who have had their breast implants removed state that their symptoms improved or were resolved completely, this isnt the case for all. nnIn many, but not all cases, surgery to remove the breast implants improves or completely resolves the BII symptoms.

Do breasts sag after breast augmentation?

It is possible for the breasts to sag after augmentation. This typically happens when a breast lift is needed but wasnt performed as part of the procedure. It can also happen after pregnancy or as a result of weight fluctuations and the aging process. Breast augmentation can help counter the effects of future breast sag.

Do you have to replace breast implants every 10 years?

Breast implants do not need to be replaced every 10 years, but it is advised to periodically have imaging done to be sure there are no issues. The longer you have breast implants the greater the chance a complication could arise.

Does getting breast implants make you gain weight?

Some women experience weight gain after undergoing breast augmentation surgery. While a small amount could be attributed to the presence of breast implants, there are other factors such as swelling, inactivity, and an unhealthy diet during the recovery period. Most women easily shed the extra weight once they are cleared to resume all physical activities.

Does insurance cover breast implants?

Most insurance plans do not cover breast implants for cosmetic reasons but most do cover them for breast reconstruction.

How dangerous is breast augmentation surgery?

As with any type of surgical procedure, there are inherent risks and the possibility of complications. Breast augmentation is not considered a dangerous procedure, but it is always advisable to have the procedure performed by an experienced board-certified plastic surgeon and at a credentialed outpatient surgical facility. Patients with any health issues should be evaluated and cleared by their appropriate doctor to have surgery.

How do I know if my breast implant is leaking?

With saline breast implants, you will know if there is a leak because the implant will deflate, which is typically visible when looking at your breasts. Silicone implants typically require imaging to detect a rupture.

How do you know if you have capsular contracture?

The most common signs of capsular contracture included some discomfort or soreness in the affected breast and a change in the overall look. Oftentimes, the breast implant sits higher on the chest and may take on a misshapen appearance compared to the other side, if it is not affected.

How long are breast augmentation incisions sore?

Breast augmentation incisions are not usually overly sore, but sensitivity could last up to 6 weeks as they are healing.

How long do breast implants last?

The amount of time breast implants last varies from patient to patient. While they are not lifetime devices, there are women who have had their implants for over 20 years with no complications. It is recommended to have the implants evaluated through imaging to ensure they are intact. Silicone implant ruptures are difficult to detect without imaging, whereas saline implant ruptures are generally noticeable because the affected implant will deflate.

how much does breast augmentation cost?

Breast augmentation cost varies from surgeon to surgeon and region to region. In Newport Beach the cost can vary between $7500 and $11500.

How painful is breast augmentation recovery?

Pain after breast augmentation varies from person to person and can also be impacted by the surgeons technique and experience performing the procedure. For most patients, pain after breast augmentation is manageable.

Is breast enlargement possible without surgery?

Breast enlargement is not possible without surgery. Some individuals can work their chest out to develop a more pronounced chest, but it does not achieve the same goals as breast augmentation.

Is getting a breast augmentation worth it?

Breast augmentation is worth having for women who are unhappy with the size and/or shape of their breasts, want to look and feel more feminine and desire more latitude with clothing.

Is there an alternative to breast implants?

Those wanting to improve the size and shape of their breasts without breast implants, should consider fat transfer as an alternative. This is the process of harvesting fat from the body and repurposing it by placing it into the breasts.

What are cohesive breast implants?

Cohesive breast implants are a type of silicone implant that differs from those of decades past. The silicone inside cohesive breast implants is a more solid, gummy-bear-like material. When a cohesive breast implant is cut in two, it retains its form.

What are gummy bear implant?

The gummy bear implant is another name used for cohesive breast implants. They are made of a thick solid like silicone gel which resembles the inside of a gummy bear.

What are Natrelle breast implants?

Natrelle breast implants are just one of the brand names available on the market today.

What can go wrong with breast implants?

Breast implants do come with some inherent risks such as developing capsular contracture, rupture, the body rejecting them, malposition, and bottoming out to name a few.

What is the average cost of a breast augmentation?

The cost of breast augmentation varies from area to area and surgeon to surgeon. In Newport Beach, CA. pricing on average ranges between $8500 and $10500.

What is the difference between a breast augmentation and breast implants?

Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure used to enlarge the breasts and breast implants are the devices used to achieve this goal.

What is the most common breast implant size?

The most common breast implant size varies depending on current trends and geographic location. nIn Southern California, the common breast implant size ranges between 300 ccs and 400 ccs.

Whats the safest breast implant?

Breast implants have never been safer because the technology has greatly improved and ruptures rates are lower than ever. Some people believe saline implants are safer because they are filled with saline which is safely absorbed by the body in the event of a rupture.

Will Cigna cover breast augmentation?

Most insurance companies such as Cigna do not cover breast augmentation unless it is part of reconstruction due to a mastectomy.

Breast implant warranty?

Most people arent aware breast implant manufacturers offer warranties on both silicone and saline implants. If you are seeing Joseph T Cruise, MD for a complication resulting from a breast surgery performed elsewhere, and with an issue covered under a warranty from another implant manufacturer (Sientra, Ideal), you will still receive your benefits.

Risks and possible complications?

There are various surgical risks and complications you will want to be familiar with when deciding whether or not to have breast augmentation surgery.

Understanding capsular contracture?

One of the complications associated with having breast implants is capsular contracture. We can help you learn more about what this condition is and how it can be treated.

Breast feeding after Breast Augmentation?

Fortunately, there is little risk of losing your ability to breastfeed after breast augmentation using implants.

Are silicone implants safe?

Silicone implants were temporarily taken off the market in 1992. After 14 years of rigorous testing, the FDA deemed the implants safe and allowed them back on the market.

What are the risk of Breast Implants?

Because breast augmentation is an invasive surgery, there are risks that come with getting breast implants. These risks can be mitigated by choosing a board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Cruise to perform the procedure. Breast implants themselves are very safe, and are the most-studied medical device in history.

What happens if Breast Implants are not replaced?

In the case of a breast implant rupture, your implants will need to be replaced or serious health complications can occur over time. Generally, though, implants will last for ten years or more without the need for replacement.

For a full list of Breast Augmentation FAQ's, Click Here.