Neck Rejuvenation
Neck Rejuvenation
Custom Approach to Neck Rejuvenation
The CustomLift® approach to the problem areas of the Neck

When is a Neck Lift Necessary?
There are three major indications for making a chin incision and operating directly on the neck as part of the CustomLift.
Prominent Neck Bands
These are the cords often referred to as "Turkey Gobbler." They represent the midline border of the Platysma muscle. The only way to predictably correct these bands is to remove and suture the neck muscles together in the midline. This removes the cords and creates a smooth contour with a defined neck angle.


Correction of neck bands (turkey gobbler) is best achieved with direct excision of cords and muscle tightening.
Poor Definition of Neck Angle
People with poor definition of their neck angle have a neck that essentially goes right from their chin to their upper chest. Many jokingly say that they have, "no neck."


Example of poor definition of neck angle; corrected by neck lift only. Notice the dramatic difference. She looks slimmer, younger, and natural.
Heavy Neck
The key to the CustomLift is to define what is causing the heavy, undefined neck. Often it is a combination of excess fat and hanging platysma muscle. The best way to address this problem is to start with liposuction of the midline neck and jaw line. Then the remaining excess fat and hanging muscle in the midline must be directly removed via the chin incision. The muscle is then tightened in the midline and suspended in an elevated position. This will create a neck angle that did not exist preoperatively.
The heavy neck will always have poor definition. This is because the increased mass obliterates the neck angle and gives an undesirable heavy appearance.
A word of caution here. Face and neck lifting is best done on people within 30 lbs of their ideal body weight. Heavier people may have the procedure done but the result will not be as good no matter what technique is used.



