Types Of Breast Lift

Types of Breast Lift Procedures

The type of breast lift procedure that you require depends on how much sag you have. As mentioned above, the single, most important measurement that determines which procedure is necessary is the relationship of the nipple to the infra-mammary fold (IMF). This is outlined below. The measurements are not absolute but they at least give you a very good idea of what is necessary. Keep in mind, a concurrent augmentation will fill extra volume and, therefore, will decrease the need to remove a lot of the skin envelope. This may make it possible to perform a less invasive breast lift.

The type of breast lift procedure that you require depends on how much sag you have. As mentioned above, the single, most important measurement that determines which procedure is necessary is the relationship of the nipple to the infra-mammary fold (IMF). This is outlined below. The measurements are not absolute but they at least give you a very good idea of what is necessary. Keep in mind, a concurrent augmentation will fill extra volume and, therefore, will decrease the need to remove a lot of the skin envelope. This may make it possible to perform a less invasive breast lift.

Breast Augmentation Alone

Depending on the size of the implant used, it can correct breast sag when the nipple is at least at the level of the IMF or above. If the nipple is lower than the IMF, then some form of lift will most likely be necessary. This is somewhat of a controversial topic, therefore, it is important that you are as educated as much as possible so that you can have done what is best for you. It is controversial because you must weigh the advantages of a properly positioned nipple versus a scar that goes completely around the areola. This is a decision that you and your plastic surgeon must make together. Hopefully, this has helped. (One caveat, if you are on the fence about whether or not you want to have a lift you can take some solace in knowing that it can be done later. If, after the augmentation, you are not happy with your nipple/areola location it can be done as a secondary procedure usually under local anesthesia).


If your nipples are at the level of the breast fold or above you are an excellent candidate for a breast augmentation. This will elevate the nipples, fill the upper breast, and increase cleavage without a visible scar.





Frontal view of a 38 year-old woman with minimal breast sag. After shows significant improvement with implant alone.





Lateral view of same patient. Notice the dramatic improvement of nipple positioning and breast fullness.

Donut Lift (Peri-areolar breast lift)

The peri-areolar breast lift is also know as a Donut Mastopexy or a Benneli Mastopexy. This type of breast lift is best when the nipples are no lower than 2 cm. below breast fold.This procedure involves excising the appropriate amount of breast tissue around the areola so that the nipple/areola are positioned on top of the breast mound. This procedure creates a small amount of rippling at the incision but this usually goes away within a year or less.


The 'Donut' breast lift is most useful for women whose nipples are no more than 2 cm. below the breast fold and in conjunction with an implant.





Frontal view of a 38 year-old woman with minimal breast sag. After shows significant improvement with implant alone.





Lateral view of same patient. Notice the dramatic improvement of nipple positioning and breast fullness.

Lollipop Lift (Peri-areolar w/ vertical incision)

The 'lollipop' breast lift is best when the nipple is greater than 2 cm but less than 4cm below the IMF.

When the nipple descends greater than 2 cm below the IMF it is often necessary to incorporate a vertical incision in order to take up the additional skin that must be removed. This creates a much more attractive, round, full shape within the lower breast.

Ideal nipple placement for lollipop breast lift

As breasts sag, they tend to flatten up top, lose cleavage, and take on a rectangular shape at the bottom. In these patients, a peri-areolar breast lift may lift the nipple to the right location but it will not address this saggy, rectangular appearance. The vertical incision breast lift will remove the excess tissue and create a much more rounded, youthful appearance.

A "Lollipop" breast lift is best when the nipple needs to be raised a moderate amount, i.e. when it is approximately 2-4 cm below the breast fold. Goals of this procedure are fuller upper breast, more cleavage, better nipple positioning, and transition from a hanging rectangular appearance to a projected round appearance.





Notice the improvement of the lower breast shape. The before is flat and rectangular, the after is round and full.





Lateral view of same patient. Notice the dramatic improvement of nipple positioning and breast fullness.

Anchor Lift (Peri-areolar w/ vertical & horizontal incision)

Many variables determine when this horizontal incision becomes necessary.

When the skin excess is greater than the vertical incision can take up, it is necessary to remove the rest via a transverse incision. Sometimes even the plastic surgeon is not sure whether it is necessary until he begins to operate. The length of the horizontal incision is, once again, determined by the amount of redundant skin.

Anchor breast lift incision

An "Anchor" breast lift is usually necessary when nipples have descended 4 cm or more.

Ideal nipple placement for anchor breast lift

Here is an example of the classic breast lift incision. This incision is way too long and is not necessary when performed with an augmentation by a skilled plastic surgeon.

With Joseph T Cruise, MD's technique of breast lifting, the horizontal scars are minimized so that they are hidden completely underneath the breast. This allows his patients to wear bikinis or any low cut dress they desire without concern of the scar being seen.

Classic breast lift incision - too long with too much scarring





Before surgery patient had a significant amount of natural breast tissue as well as significant sag with nipples pointing almost completely downward. After surgery, breasts & nipples are in a much better position on the chest.





Lateral view shows repositioning of nipples back on top of breast cone. Also notice dramatic improvement of breast shape with a more rounded, youthful lower breast. There is also no visible skin sag on the outer breast like there was prior to surgery.