What You Need To Know About Face Lift Recovery

face lift pictureMost patients who are considering having a face lift have been doing so for a very long time. The process of deciding to go through with it, who they will tell, worrying if people will judge them, and what plastic surgeon to choose can be very stressful. In order to reduce anxiety throughout the face lift surgical process, it is important to understand the recovery and emotional process that follows. Having realistic expectations about what face lift surgery can and cannot do is vital to the success of the outcome. In addition, knowing in advance what to expect throughout your recovery, is imperative in order to limit post-operative issues.

Face Lift Post-Surgery

Patients are excited and sometimes nervous to see themselves for the first time following their face lift surgery. In many cases the face is wrapped with surgical dressings after surgery. This is usually kept on until the first post-operative appointment, at which time, the dressing is removed. It is quite common for patients to want to see themselves after the wrapping is taken off. This is typically when a patient may become anxious about what they see.  Some of the reasons include:

  • Significant swelling
  • Tightness and limited range of motion
  • Noticeable incisions
  • Tenderness and/or numbness
  • Bruising
  • Asymmetry

The Post-Surgery Blues

Patients are often taken back, because they don’t look like themselves. This is a frightening thought to some. They are unable to connect with the person they see in the mirror. This is when the emotional ups and downs tend to set in. For whatever reason, the mind tricks people into believing they are going to be “stuck” looking they way they do at that moment. They cannot see beyond what is in the mirror that given day. We rationally know healing takes time and patience, but for whatever reason, it seems impossible to see the light at the end of the tunnel. On top of this, patients have little energy and are unable to get back to their regular daily activities for a while. These issues create what is know as “post-surgery blues.”

Post surgery blues

Post surgery blues

The best way to avoid or reduce the “blues” or “depression” is to have a good support system in place throughout the surgical process. The plastic surgeon and their staff are there to help support their patients through difficult times as well. Some patients feel embarrassed to express what they are feeling for fear they may sound ridiculous or paranoid. Keeping negative feelings bottled up is never productive, so it’s important to talk about them. It’s helpful to be mindful of the following tips:

Be patient. The body will heal at its own rate. 

Follow all applicable post-op instructions.

Ask questions and open up about concerns or negative emotions. 

Remember “post-op blues” are normal and will go away.

Face lift surgery is very rewarding and can be life changing for many. Having realistic expectations, being educated about the procedure, and fully understanding the healing process will all contribute to a positive experience.

Schedule a Consultation

To learn more about your Face Lift options, schedule a consultation with Dr. Cruise. Call our Newport Beach, CA office at (949) 446-1421 or contact us online. Out-of-town patients can also follow our fast-track online consultation process to find out if they are candidates for a Face Lift with Dr. Cruise.