Top 5 Techniques Plastic Surgeons Use to Create Natural Cleavage

One of the top requests from women desiring breast augmentation is to have an attractive, natural, close cleavage. Cleavage is one of the things that make women feel sexy and feminine. Unfortunately, all too often you will see women who have a large gap between their breasts after having breast augmentation.

breast augmentation cleavage

breast augmentation cleavage before/after

Creating The Ideal Spacing in a Breast Augmentation

Cleavage is highly variable between patients. Creating cleavage is largely dependent on how close the pectoralis major muscles come together to the mid-line. Plastic surgeons must be very cautious when attempting to create the ideal cleavage. Creating cleavage that is too close can potentially cause the patient to feel and/or even see the implant if the skin is thin at the midline. Even worse, is the potential of causing a “uniboob,” which is when the two breasts merge together at that midline. In these instances there is no longer a gap between the two breasts. Creating the ideal cleavage is safe and predictable, if the plastic surgeon has the necessary experience and expertise.

Top 5 Techniques Used by Plastic Surgeons

  1. Elevate the pectoralis major muscle to it’s very margin, but do not take it off the breast bone.
  2. Use an implant large enough in size, especially in width, to fill the entire pocket and close the gap.
  3. Joseph T Cruise, MD places the implant so it has complete sub-muscular coverage. This allows the outside muscles to act as “book ends,” pushing the implants towards the midline.
  4. Complete muscle coverage has the additional advantage of providing support over the lifetime of the implants. Older implants often migrate outward into the armpit, especially when lying on your back. Adding a permanent “push” of the implants towards the midline helps prevent this from happening.
  5. Be cautious not to drop the inframammary fold too much, if at all. The lower the implants are placed the greater the tendency to shift towards the outside. In some instances, this could mean a lift will is necessary in order to properly position the nipple on the breast so it doesn’t face downward. The benefits of not dropping the fold in exchange for having a breast lift (not all patients require a lift) far outweigh the alternative.


It is strongly recommended to view your prospective plastic surgeon’s before/after photos to determine if there is routinely wide gapping in the results of his or her patients. Continue to interview plastic surgeons until you find one that has a proven track record of creating natural close cleavage.

Schedule a Consultation

To learn more about your Breast Augmentation options, schedule a consultation with Dr. Cruise. Call our Newport Beach, CA office at (949) 446-1421 or contact us online. Out-of-town patients can also follow our fast-track online consultation process to find out if they are candidates for breast surgery with Dr. Cruise.