Tips for Recovering from your Rhinoplasty Procedure

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that is used to change the shape and/or size of the nose to improve function or proportion to the face. Whether you have decided to have a rhinoplasty procedure or are still considering one, you are probably wondering about recovery. Waking up from your procedure and entering the road to recovery might sound daunting, but with these tips, you can learn what to expect and how to take the steps that lead to a speedy recovery.

Ask Questions

You will feel more comfortable about recovery if you know exactly what to expect. Ask your plastic surgeon questions about rhinoplasty recovery time and specific pre and post op instructions during your consultation, at the pre-operative appointment, and, of course, after your surgery. You might also consider bringing someone you trust to ask questions about how they can help you during your recovery process. Most of all, don’t be afraid to ask questions and voice your concerns. Keeping an open line of communication is key to a smooth recovery.

Watch for Signs of Infection

It is normal to experience bruising, swelling, and soreness when recovering after rhinoplasty surgery. Although rare, you should keep an eye on any signs of more serious issues, such as infection. Look for signs such as fever, nausea, and excessive redness or discharge in the treatment area. Notifying your doctor right away will let him/her to take care of the issue before it gets worse and can avoid further complications.

Limit Activity

While walking around is often encouraged to increase blood flow, you should not participate in any moderate or strenuous activity. This includes working out to the point of raising blood pressure. You should also avoid lifting heavy objects or bending over. All of these activities could cause bleeding and slow your recovery or even cause more serious complications to occur. It is best to take it easy for the first couple of weeks or until your surgeon says it’s okay, even if you are feeling better.

Be Realistic but Optimistic

Your surgeon will work with you to produce dramatic improvement, but expecting perfection is not realistic. Understanding this will help ensure that you are satisfied with your results. You should remain optimistic during recovery and understand that the final result will take time. You will continue to see improvement as your recovery progresses and swelling decreases. The nose can take up to one year to completely heal and for your final result to be realized.

Schedule A Consultation

If you want to know more about Rhinoplasty recovery or schedule a consultation with Joseph T Cruise, MD, contact Cruise Plastic Surgery at our Newport Beach, CA office today!