Dr. Joseph T. Cruise Outlines a New Gynecomastia Classification System to Help Identify the Best Way to Treat Each Type

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When male patients choose to have gynecomastia surgery, one of the most important aspects is properly determining the type of gynecomastia they have and the treatment options available to effectively correct the enlarged breasts. Dr. Joseph T. Cruise has implemented a new classification system outlining the varying types of gynecomastia…

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Teenage Gynecomastia

man with weight issues

A recent study published by The American Society of Plastic Surgeons for 2012 showed that gynecomastia is the number one procedure performed on teeangers.  The largest number of surgeries occur between the ages of 13-19. The number of overall gynecomastia surgeries has doubled since 1997 when statistics were first recorded.…

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