How To Prepare For Liposuction
Liposuction is a highly effective and minimally invasive technique to remove stubborn fat from problem areas like the hips and buttocks or the neck and jowls. After identifying the treatment area in your consultation with Dr. Cruise and setting a date for the procedure, the only thing left to do is wait and prepare.
A good preparation plan for any operative procedure can make recovery faster, more comfortable, and easier on your caregivers. Typical liposuction patients of Orange County Cosmetic Surgery can return to normal activities in about a week, with moderate exercise allowed after 5–6 weeks. To make the most of this recovery time, here’s how to prepare for a liposuction procedure.
Habits and Conditions
Before liposuction, there are a number of steps you need to take to potentially change your habits to make the procedure and the healing process easier. Two weeks before your procedure, you should:
- Quit smoking.
- Avoid sunbathing.
- Stop taking blood-thinning medications such as aspirin, Motrin, and Advil.
- Stop taking herbal treatments and vitamin E supplements.
- Keep Dr. Cruise aware of any illnesses you develop or infections that appear around the treatment site.
- Talk to Dr. Cruise about other medications you may be taking, and adjust them accordingly.
- Identify a caregiver that can be with you for at least 24 hours after surgery.
Products to Purchase
In addition to the routines you may have to stop or alter in preparation for liposuction, there are specific medical and non-medical supplies you may need to buy to help with healing, scarring, and recovering from the procedure. Here’s what Dr. Cruise recommends you buy before liposuction and where you can buy it:
- 4×4 gauze – any drug or grocery store will carry many sizes of gauze.
- Body shaping garment – a snug-fitting garment to keep pressure on the treatment site can be found at stores like Target or a specialty liposuction site called ContourMD.
- ScarLess – this prescription-strength cream helps reduce redness and elevation of scars and can be purchased at our office.
In addition, you may want to buy these other optional products to make your recovery time more enjoyable.
- Arnica – this medication may reduce bruising or help it go away faster. Ask Dr. Cruise if Arnica is right for you before taking it.
- Loose-fitting clothing – if you don’t already have comfortable, loose clothing in your wardrobe, this is helpful during the first few days of recovery.
- Entertainment – keeping a stack of books, movies, or other entertainment you can enjoy from the couch helps you avoid total boredom in the first few days after liposuction.
Follow all of Dr. Cruise’s instructions for pre- and post-operative care for your liposuction procedure to achieve the best results with your unique recovery plan.
The Day of Liposuction
Perhaps the most important preparation you can do for liposuction is the day of the procedure. Here’s a quick run-down of things you should do before arriving at our office.
- Stop eating 8 hours before and stop drinking 6 hours before liposuction.
- Do not apply moisturizer or body creams the day before surgery.
- Take a shower the night before or the morning of surgery.
- Brush your teeth as normal on the day of surgery.
- Wear comfortable clothes and shoes to our office.
- Do not bring valuables, such as jewelry, to your liposuction.
Schedule Your Liposuction Today
With a preparation plan in mind, your liposuction procedure will be as seamless as it can be, and you can get to enjoying your life with your new body. Dr. Cruise and the whole team at Orange County Cosmetic Surgery are here to provide you the information you need and the quality results you desire. For more information on liposuction or to schedule a consultation, contact us online or call us at (949) 446-1421.