Male Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty For Men


Your nose is a focal point of your face. If it is too large, too wide, or crooked it can cause your overall facial features to be out of balance.

Many men prefer a more conservative correction of their nose to ensure a masculine, not overdone appearance, however Joseph T Cruise, MD will discuss your goals to ensure you receive the result you desire.


Cost $8,900+

Downtime 3-5 days

Use our Fast Track program to receive a rapid assessment with a recommended treatment plan and estimated surgical quote.

You may be a candidate for rhinoplasty surgery if your nose does not fit with your other facial features. Rhinoplasty is also an option to correct damage resulting from trauma. At Cruise Plastic Surgery in Newport Beach we frequently see men with injured noses resulting from surfing and other water activities. Some rhinoplasty surgeries require not only cosmetic correction, but also functional correction for improved breathing.

Male rhinoplasty is a procedure intended to provide a more attractive  nose, which is in better proportion to other facial features. It can be used to:

  • Reshape the nose by reducing or increasing size
  • Remove a hump
  • Improve tip or bridge shape
  • Narrow nostril flare
  • Modify the angle between the nose and upper lip
  • Straighten a crooked nose
  • Relieve some breathing problems (may be covered by insurance)

The vast majority of our male rhinoplasty surgeries are performed as an outpatient procedure under general anesthesia. If only minor corrections are needed, it may be an option for the surgery to be performed in-office under local anesthesia. This most frequently occurs when a simple tipplasty or nasal implant is needed.

There are different techniques used for male rhinoplasty surgery depending on what needs to be corrected. Joseph T Cruise, MD prefers to use the closed rhinoplasty technique whenever possible.

Closed Rhinoplasty: Incisions are made inside the nostrils.

Open Rhinoplasty: May be used for difficult cases. Involves an external incision across the area between the nostrils.

*Large nostrils may need to be reduced with small incisions located at the outer base of the nostrils.*

3-D Imaging

Joseph T Cruise, MD does offer 3-D computer imaging to demonstrate what your nose could look like with rhinoplasty surgery.

Complementary Procedures

  • Chin augmentation
  • Neck liposuction
  • Functional rhinoplasty (correction of internal issues for better breathing)


Recovery from rhinoplasty is relatively quick, however it can take up to one year to see the final result. Most patients feel well enough to go back to work within 5-7 days. There will be a nasal splint on the nose for one week, visible bruising could last two or more weeks, and visible swelling one moth or longer. If you want to keep your procedure completely private, you may need to consider taking up to two weeks off work and social engagements. Exercise, heavy lifting, and other strenuous activities will be restricted up to 4-6 weeks or longer depending on the activity. Contact sports need to be avoided for a longer period of time.

For comprehensive information about rhinoplasty surgery, recovery, cost, and more, please visit our complete rhinoplasty section. 

If you have any questions or would like to schedule a consultation, please call our office at 949.446.1421 or complete an inquiry form here. 

I had always hated my nose but was afraid to seek changing it mainly due to the stigma of getting plastic surgery and no longer being "all natural". However, getting rhinoplasty was one of the best decisions I've ever made because of the subsequent boost to my self-esteem and willingness to smile and socialize. I'm a much happier person due to this simple procedure!