Joseph T Cruises’ Gynecomastia Patient, Brandon Liberati, Talks About His Surgery with Zwivel®

On the latest season of Bravo TV’s “Newlyweds: The First Year”, viewers saw celebrity hair stylist Brandon Liberati and his husband, fitness expert/author Craig Ramsay, deal with Brandon’s gynecomastia surgery. Caused by an estrogen and testosterone hormonal imbalance, gynecomastia (the swelling of the breast tissue in boys and men) affects…

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Benefits of Gynecomastia Surgery Under Local Anesthesia

man with weight issues

The number of men having gynecomastia surgery is steadily increasing each year, especially in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills and Orange County. With these growing numbers comes the need for the procedure to be performed in a more expeditious manner, so men can get back to work, family and the demands…

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Will Liposuction Alone Correct Gynecomastia?

While it is surprising for many men to learn there is a medical term used for enlarged male breasts (gynecomastia), they are even more surprised when they find out there are actually different types, which have different treatments. Most men just know they have enlarged breasts and they want it…

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