What a Mommy Makeover Can Achieve

While pregnancy is a beautiful thing, it can take a toll on a woman’s body, resulting in sagging skin and pockets of stubborn fat. While diet and exercise can sometimes help, many women find that they can’t restore their pre-baby body on their own. A mommy makeover is a cosmetic surgery option that can help to address a mother’s trouble spots for a boost in confidence and a youthful body silhouette.  Read on to learn about what a mommy makeover can help you achieve.

Perkier Breasts

Oftentimes, a breast lift is part of a mommy makeover to help correct drooping breasts caused by pregnancy and breastfeeding. A breast lift can help to lift the breasts to a perkier position. For those who would also like to increase the size of their breasts, a breast augmentation can also be done in conjunction with a lift.

A Flatter Abdomen

During pregnancy, the abdominal wall can weaken or become separated, resulting in an abdomen that appears bloated or extended. A tummy tuck can be included in a mommy makeover to help correct these abdominal muscles, as well as remove excess abdominal skin for a tight and smooth abdominal profile.

Slimmer Silhouette

With pregnancy comes weight gain, and with weight gain comes stubborn fat deposits. Liposuction is often incorporated in a mommy makeover is help sculpt the body and remove any stubborn fat pockets for a slim and proportionate silhouette. Because a mommy makeover is a highly personalized procedure, your surgery will be customized to your individual problem areas.

Schedule A Consultation

To learn more about your mommy makeover options and the recovery period, schedule a consultation with Dr. Cruise. Call our Newport Beach, California office or contact us online. If you prefer, you can also begin a virtual consultation by submitting photos to Dr. Cruise.