Tips for an Easy Breast Augmentation Recovery

When performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon like Joseph T Cruise, MD, breast augmentation recovery should be smooth and quick. However, an easy recovery will depend on many factors, including how prepared you are to take the necessary care of yourself during your recovery period. Here are some things to keep in mind when recovering from your breast augmentation.

Understand Your Limitations

For the first few days after surgery, you can expect to be sore and tired. You should avoid heavy lifting for about six weeks, and this includes picking up children. Driving should also be avoided when you are on narcotic pain medication. Scheduling help from family and friends can help during this recovery period, so that you will have assistance with everyday tasks.

Manage Your Pain Properly

Following your breast augmentation, it is normal to experience mild to moderate discomfort and a feeling of pressure or tightness across the chest. Pain medications will be prescribed to help make your recovery more comfortable. However, many patients find that after their first day of recovery, only over-the-counter pain medications are needed.

Get Enough Rest

While it may seem obvious that it is important to get enough rest during recovery, some people have difficulty letting themselves relax and sleep during their downtime. Propping yourself up at a comfortable angle can help with discomfort, and keeping yourself occupied with books, DVDs, and magazines can help pass the time.

Schedule A Consultation

Following these tips can help to ensure a comfortable and quick recovery. If you are interested in learning more about breast augmentation surgery, contact our Newport Beach, CA office today to schedule a consultation with Joseph T Cruise, MD.