Recovery from Breast Augmentation

Year after year, Breast augmentation is ranked the most popular plastic surgery procedure  in the United States, and  It is unlikely this will change anytime soon.  If you are one of the many women who is considering breast augmentation, it is important to understand what to expect during recovery, and how to best maintain your results.

Will It Hurt?

Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure, so there will be some discomfort after surgery. The amount of discomfort greatly depends on the skill of the surgeon, placement of the implants, and tolerance of the patient. While some women have a high pain threshold, others have a very low threshold. Implant placement is a big factor in the healing process. While few surgeons still use over the muscle placement, this technique is the easiest to recover from, but there are other side effects that don’t make this option a first choice for most surgeons. The most routinely performed technique is under the muscle implant placement. While the implants are not technically completely under the muscle, they are partially covered. This option can cause some pain after surgery because the muscles are disrupted. There can also be some muscle contractions for a period of time, adding to the discomfort level. Joseph T Cruise, MD performs a rare technique called complete muscle coverage. This method allows for the implants to be completely wrapped by the muscles. While one would think this technique would be the most painful, Joseph T Cruise, MD has perfected his complete muscle coverage breast augmentation to the point where most patients have little to no pain after surgery.

With any of the techniques above, pain medication is always prescribed to control any discomfort during breast augmentation recovery. Additional medication may be recommended to control muscle spasms and swelling.

When Can I Return to Work?

The majority of breast augmentation patients can return to a desk job within 5-7 days. Those with jobs that require physical activity will need to wait longer or request modified job duties until cleared for full activity. Patients taking prescription pain medication should not drive. Tylenol can be used as an alternative if driving is necessary during recovery.

Long-Term Maintenance

Women who receive breast implants are encouraged to massage regularly for as long as they have them. This will help keep them soft and supple, but may also help reduced the chance of developing capsular contracture.  Routine self-examinations and mammograms are also strongly recommended.  Breast implants are not a lifetime device, and will need to be exchanged at some point. For those with silicone implants, the FDA recommends imaging 3 years after your breast implant surgery, and then every 2 years after that to monitor silent rupture.

How Long Do Results Last?

The technique used can impact the longevity of the result, along with pregnancy, breast feeding, weight fluctuation and aging. Additionally, breast implants are not lifelong devices recommended that you Breast implants are not lifetime devices. The longer you have breast implants, the more likely it is that complications will occur and you will need to have them replaced. Regular check-ups and imaging are suggested to monitor the integrity of breast implants.

Schedule A Consultation

There are many other facets of recovery from breast augmentation that can be discussed with Joseph T Cruise, MD during your consultation. To start on your breast augmentation journey, contact our Newport Beach, CA office today!